Monday, May 16

Tea Time!

I recently discovered something really special. First of all, before I share my find, let me ask you; "do you like tea?"  You are either a tea enthusiast or you don't drink tea at all. Well, I have always been a "sleepy time tea" drinker only. I love sleepy time tea. I remember whenever my mom or sister would be over my house, visiting, sleeping over or when I go to their houses, we all do the same thing. We will ask, "do you want some Sleepy time tea?" We bond together as we each dim the lights of the room we are in, turn off electronics and we usually have a candle burning as we chat and sip our teas in unity.
Well, I want to share my recent discovery! It's a company called, "Teamotions." Imagine, you have found the perfect company to endorse and join, well I found it. I am now officially a Teamotions Ambassador. They have 6 signature blends designed to be more than 'drinking tea.' This is why I am so excited to be an ambassador, the teas are; Seek Peace, Discover Joy, Have Hope, Achieve Clarity, Find Strength, and Enjoy Rest. Here is more from the founders about the unique blends and benefits "Teamotions is a revolutionary tea company dedicated to helping others manage stress and support both physical and emotional well-being. We accomplish this by using adaptogen herbs and other complementary botanicals in each of our tea blends. Used for centuries and backed by science, adaptogens are stress-fighting herbs that help boost immunity, improve the body's response to all types of stress, and restore well-being in every way. We spent over a year developing each of our all natural, hand-crafted, whole leaf wellness teas sourcing the finest ingredients to create the most effective and delicious tea blends possible. They are award-winning, beautiful, enjoyable to drink, and will truly make a difference in how you feel."

Now when I think of tea, I am going to how I feel at the time, I will prepare the tea according to my mood and my life's circumstances, and I sit down, with God's word, or an encouraging person, and I will take time to understand how emotions play into my day and moods. If you are interested, I have my link for ordering and please enter referral code 771BB0 at the cart.
Please contact me if you have any questions about the emotional benefits Teamotions can bring to your life or someone you would like to help.

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