Monday, April 7

Holding on to the Changing Season

I was taking a walk in our neighborhood yesterday and I was enjoying the warmth of a Southern California Spring time season. With the stillness of the trees in my midst, the sultry sun beaming down on my cheeks as I continued to walk with my husband,  I looked up to the tree above me to notice something that caught my attention. I noticed amongst all the many new, budding green leaves on the branches there was one dry, crispy brown leaf on a long branch hanging on to the end of the tree limb as if it was grasping to not let go. I also observed this leaf was isolated from all the rest of the green newer leaves.  It was very obvious to me to tie this into a lesson. I have found that many seasons in our lives that we go through we sometimes get used to one and have a hard time transitioning to the next. Just like this leaf holding on to the past, not wanting to let go.

In Ecclesiastes 3:1 it says "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens"
We all know that it's much easier to stay where we are and not change things. This won't bring about any growth in your life however. Staying where you are in your life's season also can create isolation in your life, which is what the enemy wants in order to make you stagnant and not grow, and without growth there is no faith and trusting him for what's ahead.
Some people don't want to change things because of fear, some just don't like change. There are many different reasons, and every one's life story is unique. Whatever you are facing in the new season you are in, be confident that it's time to let go of the past season and open your hands, widen your reach to be able to fully experience life the way your creator has designed for it for you. Acts 1:7 "He said to them; "it is not for you to know the times or the dates which the Father has fixed by His own authority"

"Waiting on the Lord" is an act of more than patience alone, it's an act of surrender and laying aside your own agenda"

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