Reflecting back and remembering one of our camping trips a few years back as I was watching my sons toss river rocks into the river by our tent. I can recall a thought I had while observing the different types, textures and shapes of those rocks laying in and around the river. I was thinking how interesting it was that the 'smoother' rocks were the ones nestled nearest to the rougher waters of the river, while the rougher and pointed edged rocks were away from the flow of the water in that riverbank. The more I think of that I can find a reason to take something from that and apply it to life.
I did a little research on how rocks become smooth and I learned that many rocks become smooth when they are exposed to flowing water. Water that flows over rocks for a longer time can wear off the 'rough edges' of these rocks and they are left with the rocks being smooth and rounded and therefore more beautiful. This happens only from rocks that are left near water that is rushing and never stops moving.
When I think of people in life that have lots of 'rough edges' to their personality or even in my own life's experiences, there are those types of people we all know, ones characterized as just a little "rough around the edges" as some used as a clique, what do you think of when you hear this? I think of a constant flow of reminding will pay off, or what about constant flow of discipline to get to your goal, a reminder from someone who is your accountability to lose weight or stay on track to a goal, this constant flow in your life will make you smooth in life, more flexible, and will eventually change you.
I think of parenting for example. When I was a young mom and constantly feeling like a broken record and having to repeat house rules or reminding the boys to brush your teeth, clean up after yourself, or when I would remind "please do the chores I asked you" and we find ourselves repeating this time and time again, I think of this analogies of the constant flow of the river makes the hard, rough edges of the river rocks smooth over, I can see a parallel.
My encouragement I find in this natural earthy process of the flow of a river and smoothing rocks is just like parenting. Parents, moms..your'e teaching and parenting of your child is not in vain. Parents don't feel you are a broken record, don't give up. You are creating shiny, smooth and beautiful creations from your discipline.
Remember in Galatians 6:9 it says, "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time you will reap a harvest of blessing is you do not give up."
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