Wednesday, April 30

A Lesson From The Hummingbirds

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matthew 6:26
We had a wonderful addition to our family! A brave or should I say 'fearless' mommy hummingbird chose a small, thin branch on our ficus tree to build her baby's nest.  It was the tree located at the absolute most busiest of all entrances of our house! I have always thought of hummingbirds to be fairly shy birds, always on-the-go, not 'people-lovers' necessarily. Our family was able to watch the mommy gather her different particles to create this fabulous room for her family and we watched them hatch, viewed on as eager participants of the flying lessons and feeding times.  The most fascinating of all this however was watching how smart and instinctive these hummingbirds are. They will come back to hang out in their nest days and even weeks after they are hatched and already expert fliers!

What I learned from this family of hummingbirds:

1. They are not afraid of being fed or clothed, or where they will live (Matthew 6:25-34)
2. They sing in all seasons, all circumstances  (Isaiah 40:31)
3. They know their maker and are secure in Him  (Luke 12:24)

I am reminded at my own life, and regardless of the home I have ever lived in I have been secure. I think of the many different paying jobs in my life and marriage, and I have learned to be content and God provided regardless. I think of the many times I have been faced with insecure times in this world, or crazy weather patterns, my surroundings or news on the Internet or TV that should make anyone worried, yet God always confirms to me how He is my confidence.  I am grateful today for the reminders from the birds and that if he loves them and cares for them yet loves us even more than his own creations and they are not concerned for their life, either should we be. He is all we need.

"But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you" Job 12:7

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