Why Joy and what's the Journey?
I have to start my first blog here with why I am choosing the name "Joy for The Journey" I think of life as a journey….every single one of us have this journey and we all have about the same amount of time to travel it. We are on the same lake but a different boat. There are times we may 'pick up' a loved one in our boat and drop them off on the other side of the lake. (helping , giving, loving, sacrificing) Your boat may have trash in it however from lunch, last night's dinner, and you just tossed it on the ground and kept on traveling in your boat on the lake (stuff in life not dealt with, harboring in your life, messy ). Whatever the condition on your boat, we are all on this journey, we can choose joy, choose peace, choose bitterness, resentment, anger etc…you get the picture right?
I love to think about the word and meaning of JOY. I know that we all have learned somewhere in life from someone that Joy is different than happiness. Happiness is circumstantial and joy is one of the 'fruits of the spirit' , the Holy Spirit, meaning someone who is living according to the spirit has this. The word 'happiness' derives from the word "happening" , therefore based on circumstances completely.
Now getting back to the journey we are all on called 'life', well it's not always easy is it..it's sometimes sad, not joyful at all, or even 'happy'. Just know you are not the only one traveling on the lake and that we are all on the same lake, just a different boat. Together we can do this thing called life!
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