Tuesday, February 18

Diary Of A Retired Homeschool Mom

I will never forget a meeting I attended in the 90's. My son was only 2 and I went to a "home school mom support meeting." I sat there along with my sister Cathy. She was looking into the possibility of home schooling for her daughter Sarah. Sarah was 5 and going into Kindergarten. I have to be honest, I immediately was turned off to the idea of ever homeschooling my kids in the future based on this meeting. No offense, and I don't mean to judge off mere appearance, but this was the scariest meeting I had ever attended! All the moms looked very depressed, they seemed over-worked and stressed out, wearing no make up and hair was tied up in ponytails or at least that is what I remember. I recall saying as we exited the church building where this meeting was held, "I will NEVER home school!"
Jumping ahead a whole decade to about 2004, I found myself in a situation where the only choice for our family was to home school. Our move to Southern California, the new schools and different curriculum and my husband's new job with tough hours made it very apparent that this was the direction the Lord was leading me to. I sincerely always looked at myself as someone who couldn't do something like that, and after all, I was the one who was scared to death of it after that very strange meeting in the early 90's that had stayed with my all these years.
I recently graduated my youngest son from High School, and homeschooling is over. Reflecting back the 9 years of devotion to my son's education through home school were the best years of my life.  To think that I thought I would hate it, wasn't cut out for it, wasn't smart enough to do it, all I used to think was can't, won't, don't. To my surprise my disbelief  my insecurities turned into being the most interesting, fulfilling, joyful, intriguing, life altering, educational and spiritual times of my life!

Is there something you are saying a big fat NO to? Be careful, because the very thing that intimidates you could soon become your best attribute yet. Never doubt yourself, or maybe I should say, be prepared for a journey down a path you always thought was not for you. Most of all, trust in yourself to try new and challenging things, and don't judge a book by it's cover, or at least a meeting by your first impressions!

Verse of encouragement: Hebrews 10:35-36 "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised."

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