Friday, February 17


"We're in no hurry, God. We're content to linger in the path signposted with your decisions. Who you are and what you have done are all we'll even want" Isaiah 26:8
A couple weekends ago I took a long 5 and a half hour drive up the coast on the beautiful 101 to Monterey, CA for a Women's conference. Before I left I tried to summon up anyone I could that would possibly be able to make the trek with me so I would have a driving buddy, however, no one could make the journey so I ventured it alone. Every time I take a long drive longer that 2 hours I usually start of dreading it, then when I get past that 2 hour mark on the clock, I come to find that I am really loving it! This particular trip for some reason had a lot of road signs, detours and construction along the way of my path on the highway, leading me to more 'detours' than I would have wanted as I was on a mission to get there in a timely fashion. I remember one particular 'detour' sign that I was lead to follow, was leading me in an area of San Luis Obispo that I never would normally go and off course my GPS would wig out and crash as well. I was in new territory for my trusty "julie" (our GPS has a name, yes). I was driving around and around in circles in a residential area looking for the next clue, the path of the 'detour' signs that they usually have one follow to get back onto the original path! Well, to no avail I was indeed........LOST! I was not too concerned as I knew my GPS would eventually get me to where I wanted once it was restarted by turning it off and back on again.
In our lives we have times that we are on this road of life, this 'journey' and we think we know where we are going, where the Lord is directing us. We think we have it all set, planned and life is moving rather well, and smoothly on the course we are on! Then just like the road/highway detours, we get off that path due to unforeseen situations. It is inevitable! We are human, life 'happens'. These detours may be that of sickness, pain, suffering, to you personally or to someone in your life that needs you. These detours may be from our own drifting from some sin in our life or discord in the marriage and may need help, counsel or time to repair, there may be unexpected career or financial problems and you may need to adjust life there, but just do not get sidetracked on your original route! Just like when we circle around and can't find that GPS 'connection" to the thing we trust in the most that revered 'satellite connection' from above, God is our dependable one to get us back on the original road. He is the owner of the map of our lives, we need to come back to the source who is our guide in life...our Lord, our God.

In Psalms 119:35 it says "Help me stay on the path of your commands for I take pleasure in it. Also I love Psalm 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on  your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths.

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