The other day when I was on Facebook, checking out the latest updates and posts from my "friends", I came across one post that stated, "stupid wind! I hate it, wind is a CURSE , go away you are not welcome!" There were a few people that then commented that they agree that wind indeed is a curse and they don't like it at all. I know they were not being super serious and just stating their feelings, but I then posted a comment myself something like, "I love wind, it's actually a nice blessing today!" Oh did I get blasted for my positivity! I bring this up because I believe that even though there are many 'curses' of the world we have to deal with in this 'fallen world' since the Garden Of Eden's fall of man, I like to try to live in light of the problems we face. I am well aware that we have weeds in the gardens, and there are bugs we despise, and there is wind that blows too much for our liking on what would have been a perfect weather forecast otherwise.
It really is a matter of one's opinion and outlook on their life and their situation if we would call "wind" a curse or for someone else living in the same town, it may brighten their day! Are you the type of person that looks on the negative side of things, or are you able to turn a bad day around with 'pouring someone a cup of Courage, offering refills of grace until your cup is overflowing with joy'? We may not understand why there is destruction in our world, storms that cause major damage, we don't understand why one day is filled with great blessings but then we wake up and we feel cursed all day and want to go back to bed. The only thing you and I have control over is our attitude and outlook and how we handle what we have. It's a great and amazing gift we have to have that freedom!
In Ecclesiastes 11:5 it says, "As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things."
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