Tuesday, November 29

Joy, Hope & Faithful Prayer

"Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying." Romans 12:12
The perfect blend of light,  cloud cover and water created the perfect photo opportunity over the recent Thanksgiving holiday. I love when I get to experience moments like this of quiet and peace.
Now that Thanksgiving is past us and we hold tight to the attitude of thanksgiving with us, do not let go of it, cherish the aroma of gratitude and don't let go.
Are you going through some upcoming hard times? Do you find it hard to be cheerful and happy when the media and others around you expect that during Christmas? Well, I do know that you are not alone. There are ways to carry your recent Thanksgiving glow over to the next Christmas holiday amidst your trials. Through Joy, Hope and through prayer is your ticket to maintaining this possibility! First, sustaining joy through the hope God has given you. In Romans 5:5 it says, " And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love." The second way we can find God during times of trouble is through a faithful life of prayer. In Ephesians 6:18 it tells us, "praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for the saints" and also in Psalm 107:28-30 " Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered  them from their troubles. He made the storm to be still, and the waves of the seas were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven."

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