Trust in the Lord....I hear this verse and the phrase is used so passively sometimes we forget to really examine what this verse really is meaning to us.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heard, and do not lean on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."
If I TRUST in something, I believe it with everything I am. I am going to get on a plane, I am trusting FULLY in that plane and the pilot to fly me to my next destination. I don't even look that pilot up or want to see his credentials! We all just pay the money, we book our flights, we board the jet with total confidence in his ability to fly us safely on our journey. Quite amazing really!
We can TRUST IN the Lord's faithfulness.
The next part of the verse is "and do not LEAN on your own understanding". To lean on something we depend on it. If i see a wall or area to rest while I wait for an appointment, I feel a little tired so I LEAN on that area, dependent on it that it is secure and won't fall or move when I do lean against it. Do we check the other side of it to make sure it is secure? No, we have faith that it's been made properly by a contractor a long time ago when they built the structure. My understanding is invalid because I don't know what went into the process of making the building dependable to use.
We can DEPEND UPON his faithfulness.
The final part of the verse is "and HE will make our paths straight." If we are trusting with all our heart, and not leaning on our own understanding then we are FULLY aware that we are in need of God's direction, and not our own, so we are saying we are "all in" Jesus, we trust and believe that our lives are not our own, and that whatever path or direction you want to take us on, we will go in that way not fighting for our rights and own plan but open to correction and change of course along the way of life.
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