Saturday, April 2

When God seems Silent

I was sitting on the bed in my hotel room while in Prague. We just checked in actually. It is a 9 hour time difference, ahead of my home time zone. Since we had such a long travel day, I had the hotel TV on, was going on the laptop to just connect with my family and friends on text, Google hangouts, Facebook and Instagram, I suddenly remembered why everything seemed so quiet from others on these communication avenues.  Not a soul to talk or socialize with. It dawned on me, it wasn't any one's fault,  it was USA time zone of 3:49am, everyone in the PST was sound asleep, peaceful, at rest. 
I like to think of God like this, as a parallel. There are times we don't 'feel' him. We don't sense the moving of the Holy Spirit in our lives. He seems silent. We know he is God, and is there in our minds we know this is true. In our hearts we know it, we still feel he is not close.  We may even pray to him and say, "Lord, I know you are with me, your word says to me, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." And "be still and know He is God" but these scriptures only remind us of his promises but we may still feel he is far away. 
Just like the example I gave about being far away on the map from my "home" and my family and friends were asleep and silent, I know cognitively they exist and are alive and well, we need to remember God has never left us. I am the one who got on the plane and flew to another far away place, not my family and friends. 
When you feel this separation from God, go to him. The word says "Draw near to God and he will draw near to you." Also, in Jeremiah 29:13, "you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Keep on seeking's a promise you will find him.
Practical ways to find God and feel His presence:
*Worship music
*Read a devotional / your bible 
*Go out into nature, take a hike, walk or near the water
*Meditate, be still and listen to Him in the silence 
*Talk to a friend about your spiritual life, ask for prayer

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