Thursday, January 22

Making the Choice to Rejoice


Phil 4:4 says: "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I will say rejoice!" In the original language this is written in the imperative, meaning that it is a command, not simply a suggestion, or an option. It is an act of our will, not merely an emotional response. So what does it mean to rejoice? How can we rejoice even in the midst of extremely difficult circumstances? I look forward to hearing some of your thoughts and encouragement on this subject over the next few weeks. In looking up the word rejoice, I found that it means to "take joy in something or someone, focus on the joyful aspect of something; to enjoy." The verse says rejoice IN THE LORD. We may not be rejoicing in a circumstance, but we can rejoice in the Lord in the midst of that difficult, by focusing on Him and His unchanging character. When we choose to do this as an act of obedience to Him, He gives us true joy. ALWAYS really does mean in every circumstance. When we choose to praise Him, we invite His powerful Presence into our circumstances. "He inhabits the praises of His people." He will use even our suffering for His glory of we are faithful to obey Him in the midst of it. What are you facing today? How can we encourage you to rejoice in the Lord? 
By Katherine Fellrath
(blog contributor from Choosing Joy Women's Ministries)

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