I recently went to a new massage therapist who knows a lot about injuries. I went there because I have been having repeated stiffness and chronic pain in my 'surgery shoulder' right shoulder. About 9 years ago I had 2 back to back surgeries for a dislocation problem, and went under the knife to tighten the rotator cuff. I have had repeated pain and immobility for all these years and have done everything to try to relieve the pain and stiffness possible. I have been to Physical therapy, (countless times), different massage therapists, hot baths, hot tubs, natural supplements, and exercise programs including hiring a personal trainer. All of these ways have worked for a time, then my right shoulder settles back into a pain and immobile mode again and again, until this last therapist, things have drastically changed for the better and I see some hope.
The therapist started to use techniques to discover something no one else has found in all the therapies for the last decade, she started to massage the affected area to unveil a nerve impingement and with the right techniques I sensed a sudden and obvious heat release down my upper back! I said "what is that?" she replied, "you have massive, built up scar tissue that was covered over all this old scar tissue." She proceeded to massage the affected area and I realized at that moment I may actually be able to regain a full range of motion in the near future! I am so happy and amazed that with the right person, and expertise the answer was right there all along, and not only that was exciting for me, but also just the thought that there was something I could do about it was more that liberating, it was as if I was going to be free!
This is not just true with physical debilitating pain, but to know that you or others may live lives where there is emotional scars that have been covered over year after year in the same way. Many people can be 'set free' from this entrapment of pain (like my frozen shoulder) but do not 'know' they can be released and healed simply by getting the right advice, help and by being brave and courageous to step out forward to regain a new life in an area that has been stagnant or crippling, but instead they continue to bury their pain under a bunch of bitterness, shame, unforgiven and thus continue to live an immobile life instead of yielding to the freedom they so deserve and what awaits them!
Hebrews 12 says, "Strengthen the arms that are weak and the knees that are feeble, make level paths for your feet so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed." For something to be healed they need to know they are not well. This means to me that there needs to be the acknowledgement that there is a problem to get help and therefore be healed, otherwise that person will stay the same and get worse off in the end.
John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth and that truth will set you free!
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