Friday, July 12

Faith Walk

 We find ourselves doing all the right things to get us somewhere in life that we want to go. A new career path, an educational route we are going to try, a passion for a new ministry, a move on the 'map' and we feel lead to move somewhere. We have many opinions from others of what we should do, a book to give us self-help advice, friends that feel they know what is best, and all this gets confusing and can interrupt the plans that God has in the first place, we get off track and distracted. We start out on adventure and dreams and plans in faith and hope and with joy only to get our eyes off what God has started, we let those fears and distractions misguide us.
When Jesus asked Peter to step out in faith and walk on water to where Jesus was, waiting for him in trust and belief, Peter was doing it..he was walking on water to his Lord! The minute he looked around and noticed the distractions of the water, the boat, his humanity set in and he lost sight of the miracle of Jesus leading him to walk on water to him is when he sunk into the water. If he hadn't look around and noticed the many doubts and fears and his own self, he would have stayed above water and made it all the way. We know this because he 'was' doing it!
We need to live a life of belief, faith and courage, amidst the storms and scary times that come in our lives. Trusting in the journey, with Jesus by your side, holding you up.

"Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.
 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

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