"The Grass Is Greener Where You Water It!" That statement is so true. I have seen this quote written and posted all over the place. I have to admit something, I am finally at a point in my life that I can take some constructive criticisms and be ok with it. I will start by admitting that I do not have a green thumb! I know now that I also cannot blame the climate of the place where I live on my poor gardening skills. I have lived in Northern CA, and up in the Pacific NW and now in Southern CA, all of which have very unique and specific climates and differences. When I lived in Washington I was around the wet, damper and soil rich areas, and I would somehow kill my flowers and plants to no avail. When in Southern CA, it is like a desert here and rains, oh about "2" days a year, and I can't keep a single potted plant alive. Instead of trying over and over again I have come to the conclusion the ones that do survive in my yard are plants that need very little maintenance and care, and flourish with or without me. They are vines, and ivy, climbers and they are native to the dryer environment. The ones that I used to try to keep around and would do all I could to maintain their vitality in the planter were the type that needed shade or extra daily or hourly care which I found I never could give due to my schedule and thus the heat of the day would scorch in an instant all that I had troubled to keep alive.
Are there areas of your life and relationships that are in your view messed up, uncared for, undisciplined? I wonder if you can think about those areas and evaluate, write down on paper what those concerns are and one by one start to make an action plan to tend to these. Just like my garden, I know the plants that need me more, additional care and tending to, more nourishment from water and shade, and the other areas are more natural to my backyard, seem to just flourish and are fine on their own. Those areas that you jot down to evaluate could be needing just extra help and tending too. You may need to simply readjust your schedule, your values or your disciples daily to take better care of the nourishment of your soul.
In Psalm 103:15 it says " As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field"
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