Friday, July 20

Who is the Author of Your life?

Psalm 32:7 "For you are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory."

Wow! I looked up the word CONFUSION the other day, even though I do know what that word is and means. I had to share this post because you probably already think you know what it is too. The word CONFUSION literally means: Con (with) fusion (combining two or more things together as an entity. When I really read that it made so much sense to me! If you fuse (FUSION) more than one thing together you get 'fusion'. We get confused when we usually do combine two or more things together in our lives. We put too much on our schedule, too much on our plate that we can't really handle. This really can't be God's design now could it. Now think about your life and the many times you say to someone or yourself that you feel confused....Wow, I think I am getting this now! The meaning of the compound word says it all.
 I read a popular scripture from God's word, from 1 Corinthians 14:33 "For God is not a God of confusion, but of peace, as in all the churches and saints". So if God is not the creator or 'author' of confusion, then the 'father of lies' must be. So the next time you feel confused, and you get that lack of peace and uneasy feeling, you need to give it to counsel and read God's word, the truth! Fears are false evidence appearing real. But if we accept the fear that the enemy offers and give a voice to them, we open the door for the enemy and close the door of God.

"Pray about everything and fear nothing. When FEAR knocks at the door, let faith answer!"

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