Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
I remember the day well. The sky was filled with ominous clouds, there was a stillness to the day that made you feel like turning on music, the T.V. or talking to your pets. I was just beginning to understand and enjoy the Pacific Northwest's soggy climate as now it was going on the end our 14th year living in Washington State. I was just starting to feel it was a place I could call 'home'. I was working in the school district as a Sub E.A. teacher, was involved in our church's women's ministry and was finally feeling that our move from my original home of Northern California was a distant view out the rear view window of my mind and heart and I was feeling rather content. After all, why wouldn't I feel content in our new place of home, I had my mom and dad living in Washington, had one of my sister's living down the street, I had my 'family' near me, my husband had a good job, although strained, and my sons were happy in their schools. Life was grand! On this one day, my husband came home from work with a nervous energy that you could feel from the moment he opened the front door. He was filled with excitement, but also reluctant at first to share what was on his mind. We sat down to talk about his day and I tried my hardest to prod him to find what jewel of information he was hiding. He said, "honey, you want to move to Southern California?" At first, I didn't really know or understand where this statement was coming from, or was this a question? I talked more about it with him and it turns out my husband had sent out his reel (portfolio) to a few agencies and Design studios, one being Malibu, Ca. My initial feeling and thoughts in my mind to myself only of course, because I didn't really want to 'pop his bubble of excitement', was that of, "honey, you just convinced me to move from the Bay Area to WA State, huh?" But, being a supportive wife that I aspire to be, I held my tongue out of respect and picked his brain a little more. He was serious. He proceeded to share with me that the owner of the Malibu design studio was actually his favorite and most revered Graphic Artist in the field of Main Title Design and that this was an opportunity of a lifetime! I decided to listen and let him 'get this out of his system' so to speak, for I knew there was no way on earth I was dragging my humble self and our happy Northwest born sons to La La land! God saw things a quiet bit different. Let me continue. I remember telling the Lord I wanted to follow Him. I remember telling the Lord, I will go and do whatever He wants and that He is Lord and that I trust Him. Now, my faith is being put to the test…do I really believe what I am saying when I talk to God that way. Do I really believe that if He brings me somewhere once, that He may choose to lead us again? I found myself doubting the sovereignty of God in a sense, by my own doubt and my own lack of courage to go to the next chapter He has written for me.
The truth is we all have a story. We all have a book being written and the pages are still being filled up. We have different chapters, the introduction, the pages in between "the body" and the conclusion. Have you ever thought to yourself, "my life could be a book or a novel!" I have personally heard that many times from people and I have said that many times. Well, this chapter I am sharing with you about my willingness to 'go where you say, I will move where you lead" to the Lord was a testing and trying time for me. There are times in our lives where we will literally 'stay' and God will not have us move but there are other times where He chooses to move us physically on the map more times that we feel comfortable with. It's all part of a grand plan He has for our story. I chose to obey God's leading to Southern California and this chapter is in the process of being completed and written. I can say that He knows me better than I know myself or anyone else because although it's been challenging and rocky terrain at times, He has opened the doors of life and opportunity here where we are. He has blessed us with friends, opportunities and joy in a dry and unforeseen land. I am so thankful He is faithful and as I continue to trust in his leading for the wisdom and direction in this journey as it continues.
The verse I want to leave with you today is " Proverbs 16:9 "In his heart a man plans his course, but the lord determines the steps."
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