"As therefore you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so live in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving" (Col. 2:6-7).
I remember the storms of Washington State so well. I used to love to prepare a night of bunkering down in the house with my family and having my husband go out back to chop some more wood for our Franklin stove to heat up the house before the major winds really started to roar. We would get out the board games, make hot cocoa, get into our p.j.'s early and turn on Winnie The Pooh's 'The Blustery Day'. I loved Washington for the bountiful amount of trees, specifically known for the Evergreen trees. I remember one of the most windy of all storms one season. I will never forget it because the wind was so loud I could not fall asleep so I stayed up and sat myself down on the couch in the front room by the window and just listened and watched in the darkness of the night. I remember watching the trees on our street blowing in the violent storm so much that it appeared that they could just snap off and break in two, but all night long even with up to 65 mile an hour winds they stood strong.
In the Old Testament book of Jeremiah there are some wonderful and beautiful analogies comparing a faith-filled person with a strong, sturdy and flourishing tree. In Jeremiah 17:7-9 it says " Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose hope is the Lord. He is like a tree planted beside waters, that stretches out its roots to the stream. It does not fear when the heat comes, its leaves stay green. In the year of drought it still shows no distress, but still continues to bear fruit."
So much is mentioned in the bible relating our lives to the grounding of a tree and paying close attention to the roots and the soil for good reason full of wisdom for each of us. The process of understanding this analogy starts with understanding the three systems of the the growth of trees - grounding our roots, strengthening our trunk and reaching out our branches for wholeness and total wellness that comes from the Lord.
When you have a tree or plant that has trouble growing it is worth paying attention to. In my planting experience not one tree or plant that doesn't grow and flourish has the right physical environment. Our soil in Washington State had very rich soil that was such proof in the amazing growth that exists in that state with the trees of abundance there. Healthy roots stabilize the entire tree, building a foundation for a healthy trunk and branches.
The definition of 'trunk' is: the main stem of a tree. This is the most important part of the tree after the soil and roots because it is the proof of healthy growth - and so it is in our lives. I love this comparison that the word of God provides us! So, today we can reevaluate our lives, and make sure we are being like a tree, firmly grounded and rooted in God's truth (His word) but it comes with tending to the soil, and taking care of our lives. This may mean we need to uproot some 'bad' roots in our lives that are hindering growth. It may require changes, or simply asking someone to help you if you feel that the root of bitterness, anger, jealousy or the root of resentment is to blame. Or maybe there are the storms of circumstances beyond your control. Get help! Call the gardener (that could be a counselor, coach, mentor) but until you meet the ultimate 'gardener', that being Christ, you cannot really know how to get to this flourishing growth and peace.
"Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness." Colossians 2:7
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