Friday, October 14

Faith, Life and User Reviews

We find them on Expedia, Trip Advisor, Travelocity, Yelp and more. These are travel reviews that I speak of. People go on a trip go to a hotel, resort, exotic island. They go to Europe, the Orient, and the Mexican Riviera all to come back with a personal account and 'review' to share of their experience whether good or bad. They give reports whether disappointed or exuberant over the experience and we, the reader believe them, yep that is right, total strangers posting on the web reviews, we will read it and either go or not go to the destination based on someone else's experience!  For some reason this amazes me! One time I saw a job ad on Craigslist for a 'review writer person' for a popular website. This job was to make a made up , fictitious (fake) review for the company. When I thought over that job title and the description I couldn't help to really think over that one and it caught my attention to write this blog.

I am a believer of the bible, a  Christian, a Christ-follower. I have my own personal relationship with the God of this universe based on a decision and commitment I made when I was 11 years old. I have a great testimony to share and my own story of this faith I have, but guess what, there are plenty of others who claim to have this same faith, the same relationship with the same one and only true God. I also know that there are thousands , and maybe millions of reviews out there about the Christian faith, people's testimony of their faith in Christ. Just like the trip and vacation reviews from online forums they have a review and they share it with you. So I ask you today , "what review are you reading on the bible, faith in Jesus, reviews and opinions from others that may have been disappointed , shunned, or outright appalled by the experience of the same church or same faith as another who has a completely opposite viewpoint of the same situation. Who do you believe? Why do you believe them and why do you follow them? 

I want to take this topic further to make us all really think. What if I read reviews for a year on hotels, flights, and a trip to Italy that I am dying to take. I read up on all these travel review sites online and saturate myself for months studying all these people's comments. I form my opinion on a place I have total faith it exists, that Italy is on the map, it's on a globe . I see it in photos everywhere, I see it on the google earth application on my computer I see it, it's "THERE" !! I have faith in a place I have never been to, have never seen myself…I trust it is there. I save money for years or months to be able to go there, I put my heart and trust in it, anticipation is lurking of excitement!  People do this all the time, we trust and have faith in everything , we trust and have faith in people, in places in cars , in boats, in planes to get us somewhere! My whole point is this and you may already know where I am going with this. We have to go to the right resources for the right reviews about God. Why are you trusting in one person that has no belief  there is a God? Why are you not seeking other people's experiences in this faith. We trust more in the chair we are going to be sitting in to hold us in it than we do someone we look up to has the right faith. If you have trouble believing in something you do not see then we need to increase our faith. We need to go out on a limb and trust a new review.

In the bible it says "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." and also "Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God." 1 peter 1:21

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