It is known as a safety warning that is required to be engraved on the passenger side mirrors of motor vehicles in the USA and AU. After thinking more and researching this safety feature such as a line I read in Wikipedia “The inscription is present because while these mirrors' convexity give them a useful field of view, it also makes objects appear smaller. Since smaller-appearing objects seem further away than they actually are, a driver might make a maneuver such as a lane change assuming an adjacent vehicle is a safe distance behind, when in fact it is quite a bit closer. I feel that in life so many of us at times have the wrong view and perspective of situations we are dealing with. The warning for the driver serves as a reminder to the driver of this potential problem. Just the same in our lives is true!
I read that Wikipedia description over a couple times and it made me think about life and it’s ‘potential problems’ we face every day of our lives. There are many different warnings we are given in life on a daily basis that serve for our protection. Our rear-view window is our memory so to speak. If God, the amazing creator of all things is the one who created us and had decided He would give us such memory capacity like we all have, it must be there for a good reason. I think in our world today so many people are wanting to rid all bad and unpleasant memories from their minds, taking pain medications for all sorts of pains, taking medications for depression, we rush ourselves through life by being as busy as possible to keep going as to not think about what is ahead and so on. Do not get me wrong I believe that there are some that need medications for many things ailing them in life. I feel that the memory we have is for our protection to not repeat things of the past, or the pain we feel to to remind us of the joy we felt after the pain subsided.
Without pain we would not know healing, without darkness we wouldn’t know light !
With a Victory, there must be a battle, with a battle there must be a fight, with a fight there must be an opponent so it is in life. Live in and for victory the battles you are facing but do not do it alone.
In the book 48th of Isaiah it says “ This is what the Lord says-your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “ I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea”
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