What I am going to share with you today is a very memorable experience in my life ! My mom was coming for a visit from WA state again during the holidays and she is a jewelry designer and loves to go to our local bead shop to browse around. My mom and I have an Etsy site already where she sells her creations on it and I advertise and upkeep the facebook page for it .. http://www.etsy.com/shop/victoriacharlotte and she has taught me to make soldered glass jewelry which I do certainly love!
We went into the local bead shop this one day and spontaneously signed up to make a beaded bracelet and given the fact that she is a jewelry designer and very successful at that and has "trained" me, I felt pretty brave and up for the challenge. I need to point out however that this was in the "difficult to "very" difficult" range told to us by the clerk in the store, but we still proceeded to sign up.
I was in the first hour of this class and realized I was struggling quite a bit to keep up with the instructor and my mom was even having a harder time than I expected she would. I remember thinking "ok, this is the last place I would like to be at this moment and I think I will give up and just go out to dinner with my mom or something " but still, competitive with myself I stayed, my back was hurting as we were laboring for now 3 hours over these itsy bitsy beads .. one by one stringing them along this poor sad little string! I remember proclaiming just around the 4th hour of this bracelet's creation to my mom under my breathe.."mom, I feel like I am in 'bead purgatory!!" she gave out a playful and a bit jolly giggle and then I realized ...I am not even Catholic and never use that term ! ha! That was the breaking point but also my turning point to success! I was almost done! I need to share that this little , sweet, humble and pretty bracelet was more to me than an item to wear and call my own. To me this experience was very VERY important in my life. It represented to me "not giving up"! I have struggled with mild to moderate adult ADD for years..well, even as a child, but in those days they didn't really diagnose kids and especially little girls! I have always started a book, to only give up in the first chapter, started a painting, to only give up cause of boredom, and NEVER would normally attempt such a talent as a 5 hour beaded bracelet that actually cost us each $45.00 to make PLUS the cost of supplies!
I feel a sense of happiness just knowing I accomplished this ! Yay to me! I did something hard, expensive and did it all my myself, learning disabilities and all!
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